Tags: gym , exercises , home exercises , physio , rehabilitation , sports rehab , flint house , rehabilitation center , Home Rehab Exercises , Help and Heal
'This glute program has been designed to effectively target your glutes. Useful in the rehabilitation of all lower limb injuries, not just the hip, but knee and ankle as well. Increasing the capacity of the glutes will also lead to improvements in low back pain. This program has: 8 positions – 30 seconds per position – do all exercises in a row without stopping. 1. Clam Level 1 2. Isometric Clam Hold 3. Tap Back - Hip Extension with Isometric External Rotation 4. Side Lying Hip Rotations 5. Side Lying Hip Abduction and Extension 6. Side Lying Leg Circles 7. Clam Level 3 8. Isometric Clam Level 3 Lead movements with your leg, do not rotate the pelvis backwards to get the range needed. As always if you get pain or discomfort that you are not comfortable with, please stop and consult a health professional.'
See also: yağ yakma egzersizi , 30 minute workout , Bodybuilder , review , aerobik , low , stretching , fat , glute workout , lunges
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